Learn How To Avoid 3 Common Running Form Mistakes


Join this FREE  masterclass that will help you identify and correct the 3 most common running form mistakes that can increase your risk for injury and decrease your performance

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Here's just some of what you'll learn during this masterclass:


The #1 Way To Improve Your Running Performance 

As you increase mileage and speed, your running form plays a big role in the injury prevention piece. Discover how to run pain free in your next training block.


Common Running Form Mistakes Runners Are Making

By learning how to avoid common running form mistakes, you can improve your efficiency, power and confidence throughout the entire training block.


How To Decrease Your Risk For Injury

By tweaking certain parts of your routine, you can stop going through the rehab cycle and continue to hit your running goals.

Who is this for?


If any of the following sound like you, do yourself a favor and do not miss this masterclass...


1. If you feel like you've plateau'd with your running or struggle to hit your next PR, discover the top research tips that will help you unlock your running potential 


2. Your running form just feels off or tends to get sloppy during speed workouts or longer runs


3. You keep getting injured year after year despite doing "all the things" to prevent injuries 


A Note From The Instructor...

Hi! I'm Dr. Lisa


I'm a physical therapist and run coach who specializes in treating runners by addressing their strength, mobility, and running form. I can't wait to help you unlock your running potential. See you in the masterclass!



Got questions? I've got answers👇🏻