Rehab For Runners

Rehab For Runners

Hosted by: Dr. Lisa DPT

All runners want to know the secret to running pain free. Dr. Lisa DPT is a physical therapist that specializes in helping runners prevent and treat injuries and believes runners can meet their goals without injuries...

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When Is The Right Time To Defer From A Race?

Episode #70

Is there ever a right time to pull out of a race? Technically no, but there are times when it might be the best option. Join Dr. Lisa as she walks you through some a tough topic and how you know when it's time to pull...
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Detaching Yourself From Your Running Success

Episode #69

Are you white knuckling your running goals? Or maybe you are finding yourself either way up in the clouds that you hit a certain goal or way down in the dumps if you didn't hit a certain pace? Join me on this quick...
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What Is VO2 Max And How Can You Increase It?

Episode #68

Maybe you've heard of VO2 max, but what does your VO2 max say about your running? And is your watch's VO2 max reading accurate?In today's episode we go over:What is your VO2 Max and should you pay attention to itWhat...
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Knee Pain When Running Downhill

Episode #67

If you are experiencing knee discomfort or instability when running downhill or going down the stairs, you may need to strengthen your quads. Your glutes are also important, but your eccentric quad strength plays a...
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Does Strengthening The Gluteus Medius Prevent Injuries?

Episode #66

The gluteus medius has multiple actions- hip abduction, hip internal rotation, hip external rotation, and single leg stability to prevent hip drop. Most runners have heard of the gluteus medius because social media...
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Does BMI effect your knee pain when running?

Episode #65

Have you ever wondered if your weight affects your knee pain or is even causing your knee pain?In today's solo episode, we dive into the research that compares runners BMI and determined if that is affecting their...
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From Hangovers to the Boston Marathon ⎸ Luc Zoratto's Story with Sobriety

Episode #64

Are you tired of waking up hungover? Or feeling like alcohol is effecting your career or life goals? Today we have Luc Zoratto, a life coach, marathoner, husband, and dad that talks us through his story to sobriety....
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Should You Run Barefoot?

Episode #63

Was barefoot running a trend or is it actually something we should be progressing towards? Is the book Born to Run accurate in that barefoot running prevents injuries?In today's episode, Dr. Lisa explains what happens...
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Things I'm Doing Different In My Second Marathon

Episode #62

When it comes to your first race at a new distance, the A goal should be to finish, but for your second time around, your goals can become more specific.In today's episode, Dr. Lisa talks you through things she is...
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Running with a Chronic Illness with Dr. Kate Bochnewetch

Episode #61

Are you a runner who is diagnosed with a chronic illness or chronic pain? Join me as I interview Dr. Kate Bochnewetch- a physical therapist and run coach who is also living with a chronic illness. She shares her...
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Fueling for a Long Run with Emily Moore

Episode #60

When do I start fueling? How often should I fuel? When should I take in electrolytes?If you have ever wondered these questions or feel like you are winging your fueling strategy, this episode is for you.Today on the...
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Breaking Through The Toxic Walls of Running with Dr. Leah Avery

Episode #59

What mindset should we have for running even if we were competitive growing up? How can we enjoy running while staying competitive? What does our mindset have to do with our performance?These are all questions Dr....
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